Gliophorus lilacinoides
The Light
As has been mentioned their seems to be a number of different specie that key out under the name G, lilacinoides of which this is one. Those buried under leaf litter were green while others exposed to the light are pink. For me that's a good indication that they are reacting to the light (UV). Although it does not also rule out that the decaying leaf litter is giving off chemicals that could be causing the colour difference.
Macro images:
Gliophorus lilacinoides
Scale bar
Scale= 10 mm.
I came across this group half berried in leaf litter and wounded about the colour not haveing seen pink/green species before.
Gliophorus lilacinoides
Scale bar
Scale= 6.5 mm.
Gliophorus lilacinoides
Scale bar
Scale= 5.7 mm.
It soon became clear the more leaf litter I removed the darker the green was.
G. lilacinoides
Scale bar
Scale= 7.5 mm.
These above and below were found in a different location also under leaf litter.
Gliophorus lilacinoides
Scale bar
Scale= 7.5 mm.
G. lilacinoides
Scale bar
Scale= 7.5 mm.
Those that were exsposed to the light bcome pink.
G. lilacinoides
Scale bar
Scale= 8 mm.
Above and below are from the same group but were exposed to the light and this are quite pink.
G. lilacinoides
Scale bar
Scale= 7 mm.
G. lilacinoides
Scale bar
Scale= 6.5 mm.
The Hidden Forest
Forest Fungi