Entoloma melanocephalum
G. Stev.
Common name: None
Found: Native forest
Substrate: Ground
Spore: Pink
Height: 60 mm
Width: 25 mm
Season: Autumn
Edible: No
Macro images:
Entoloma melanocephalum
Scale bar
Scale= 5 mm.
Entoloma melanocephalum
Scale bar
Scale= 5 mm.
Entoloma melanocephalum
Scale bar
Scale= 5 mm.
Entoloma melanocephalum
Scale bar
Scale= 4 mm.
Entoloma melanocephalum
Scale bar
Scale= 5 mm.
This photo just shows how variable this species can be found in dry conditions.
Entoloma melanocephalum
Scale bar
Scale= 4.5 mm.
Entoloma melanocephalum
Scale bar
Scale= 4.5 mm.
Micro images:
Entoloma melanocephalum
Scale bar
Magnification= 1000x
The Hidden Forest
Forest Fungi